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Design of exhibition logo, window vinyl, and social media assets with Michael Ipsen for a co-curated video installation "Completely Familiar, Entirely Free"
at Artspace New Haven 
August 16 - September 10, 2022.


Logo design, powerpoint, and speech for parafictional skincare brand "Optime" as part of a Truth Summit with Michael Ipsen.
Performed at Icebox Project Space in Philacelphia, June 4, 2022.


I know that everyone in this room has looked in the mirror and hated their skin. What the skincare industry offers is a promise to end that emotional rollercoaster. But what it delivers is an endless cycle I’m sure we’re also familiar with: a go-to regimen your skin suddenly rejects. You add a new moisturizer or cleanser to your routine; maybe you get decent results for a few weeks; and then inevitably, mysteriously, your products fail you again and the cycle restarts. 


What if I told you that that process is over? Today, right now, we possess the technology to tailor skincare to the unique chemistry of every single person in this room, in this city, on this earth. I am thrilled to announce the rollout of an exciting new brand at the vanguard of what personal care can be. 


Using microscopic nanotechnology with acute machine-learning capabilities, our serums read your face to work with your distinct beauty on a molecular level. Each serum is connected back into our specially developed app, allowing you to track the products’ gradual reformulation across your regimen in one central hub as they get to know you better over time. These are expert-tailored and dermatologist-recommended. And they bring you your optimal skin. This is Optime. Smart skincare for smarter skincare. 



I’m here to tell you exactly how we will move forward into this glowing future, one that’s already with us. You’ll come away from today with the tools you need to place Optime front and center in commercial retail spaces and influencer spheres. Our line of products will power the rejuvenation of our current redundant, saturated beauty circuit, using bold innovation that’s not afraid to take risks to provide the best care. Welcome to the next phase of beauty. 


If so many of the everyday objects you use in your home have smart components, why not your skincare? At Optime, we look forward to the complete integration of artificial intelligence that looks after your wellbeing, for a total smart life. It’s time to face the music: technology has ascended organic matter. It is better than nature. Get ready to leave behind the inconsistency and lackluster results of homeopathic herbalism; Optime uses organic compounds beyond their original capacities. Product and skin work together to reformulate into the best expressions of themselves—a symbiotic relationship. Let Optime help you glow from within, because health is beauty.



So how will the roll-out actually work?


Optime is aimed at people who know that looks get you where you’re going—people who care. Our adaptive technology lets the brand appeal to anyone looking to revamp their relationship to their skin, since the products themselves change in response to what each consumer needs. Optime is for people not afraid to let technology into their lives in deep integration. So we’re looking to appeal to younger generations who’ve grown up with a high level of routine Internet socialization, as well as older Millennials who’ve embraced the ease in quality-of-life that comes with a smart home. Older women, tired of running the gamut of anti-aging products that fail them again and again, can also find a home with Optime. For us, though, gender, race, and age are obsolete: our artificial intelligences can morph their mediums into serums that are right for anyone, matching scent and color effortlessly. 



Targeting a consumer base that has embraced the benefits of biotechnological development allows us to foster unique relationships with our clients. We know what people want, and that’s to feel empowered, to be agents of change who know how the world really works. People want to be connected. Our company promises seamless integration with the accelerating interconnectivity of mind, body and technology in personal life. And we can do that by tugging the threads of our common desires towards our collective vision, braiding them together for the actualization of true beauty in a world of tomorrow that is now. We manage those underlying drives towards the stronger role artificial intelligence deserves in collaboration with human organics. This is in service of greater control.

We tap into the higher truth of humanity’s impulse towards enlightenment. It vibrates through everything we do. Can you feel it? 

Copy, packaging, and logo design for parafictional skincare brand "Companie."
With digital rendering by John Huggins.

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Logo redesign, social media, and print materials for
LKTV Season 2, a project of Lino Kino Collective
at HOT BED Gallery, Philadelphia.

July-August 2021.


Book design and production for

Balm: a poetic exploration of medical racism

by Vanessa Rosensweet.

Cover illustration by Dakota Peterson.

Red and white paper editions.

GentleStretching Press. 2021.

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Social media materials for LKTV Season 2, a project of Lino Kino Collective at HOT BED Gallery, Philadelphia.
July-August 2022.

Social media materials for LKTV, a project of Lino Kino Collective at AUTOMAT Gallery, Philadelphia.

January-February 2021.

Visual system for One Fair Wage PA September strike.

Typeface: Arial rounded.

Fall 2020.

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Layout, cover design, and editorial.

Full Sink poetry chapbook

by Louie Brown and Vanessa Rosensweet.

GentleStretching Press.

Summer 2020.

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Visual system for GentleStretching Press.

Summer 2020.

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Visual system for Vedge Restaurant Group workers' organization campaign, Philadelphia.

Primary typefaces: Avenir and Big Caslon.

Spring 2020.

STEAD: Visions of Outer Space in the American West.

Accompanied performance for senior thesis project.

Content and design. 

Painted covers, bound with staples.

Post-script folded insert.

Three editions, one in color.

Spring 2019.

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Visual identity exercise

for Headlong Performance Institute, Philadelphia.

Spring 2020.

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Programs and promotional materials for
Wiley, Windy, Roll and Fall 
multidisciplinary movement performance.

Winter 2019.

Creative Acts

Journal of student art and art criticism at Vassar College.

Design, content, and editorial.


Visual identity exercise 

for Danish furniture-maker and retailer FDB Møbler.

Spring 2018

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